Resume FAQs
Whether you're a new graduate with limited work experience, are switching careers, have gaps in your employment history, or were recently laid off and are unsure how to address that in your resume, our resume FAQs will guide you through all these situations.
Resume FAQ

How do I address a gap in my education on my resume?

The best way to address a gap in education on your resume is to explain it in a brief statement in your Cover Letter.  It may not be necessary on the resume. In many cases, a person may have discontinued their education due to a change in the family situation or for financial reasons.  Those are reasonable explanations, and noteworthy. There can be many reasons to interrupt education, and most employers will not be concerned with this issue. 

However, on the resume, where the gap exists, you might include the years in question and state the reason for the gap. (Health; Travel; Family, Move etc.).  An example might be:

University of (College Name)

Degree Candidate - Liberal Arts                                2017-2019

  • Completed course work for three semesters
  • Took leave for Family Care issues                    2020-2021

B.A. Liberal Arts                                                     2022

  • Major - Fine Arts

If appropriate, it would also be beneficial to include any accomplishments you may have made during that interim, for example: a part-time job; attending a conference; volunteer work, etc.

If there is a lengthier explanation for your education gap, you can further explain your reasons in the Cover Letter, or in an interview; however, it is not necessary to address this subject at all.   Usually, a recruiter is more concerned about a gap in employment as opposed to a gap in education.  It is not uncommon for people to complete degree programs with occasional absences.